Top 10 Health Benefits of Riding an Ebike
Cycling, in any form, is considered one of the healthiest activities you can do. It gets the heart and lungs pumping and has very low impact on your body – it can improve your fitness, boost your immunity and wellbeing among a range of other health benefits of riding an ebike.
Cycling Advice for Beginners
The last few years has seen many more people getting outside and enjoy riding a bike, either for the first-time or having dusted off their old bike after many years. You may need some cycling advice for beginners?
The Top 6 Ebike Accessories you need
Your electric bike is not complete without complimentary ebike accessories. Ebikes allow you to venture further and ride longer than you ever would on a traditional bike. One of the single biggest advantages of riding an electric bike is that it levels the terrain so you can ride wherever you want.
The Ebike Numbers You Need to Know
An electric bike is quite a technical piece of kit. Do you ever look at the specification of an ebike and wonder what some of the numbers actually mean?
Cold Weather Ebike Battery Care
If you are going to be riding your ebike over the winter then there is no need to worry about your battery. Here are some cold weather ebike battery care tips.
Raleigh Bikes
Introducing Raleigh Bikes Raleigh is steeped in history and deserves a quick recap of its 135 years history in its own right. Pre-WWII Raleigh was founded in 1887 by Sir Frank Bowden.
Ebikes and the Law only sell pedal assist ebikes- Electrically Assisted Pedal Cycles (EAPCs) and comply with UK ebike law. You do not need a licence to ride an EAPC bike. An EAPC does not need to be registered, taxed or insured.
Are Electric Bikes Safe?
What Is An Ebike? With Ebike and E-Scooter fire safety hitting the headlines in a sensational way recently you’d be forgiven for thinking that all Electric Bikes are potentially dangerous.
The Differences between Hub and Derailleur Gears
While looking through our catalogue of bikes you may have noticed bikes with hub gears and some with derailleur gears but what is the difference? and what is best for you? Sit down, strap in, let’s take a look.
Why buy an Electric Bike?
Energizing Your Ride: The Compelling Reasons to Invest in an Electric Bike Why buy an electric bike? In a rapidly evolving landscape of modern transportation, electric bikes (ebikes) have emerged as a game-changing alternative, reshaping the way we think about commuting, exercise, and sustainable living.